Thursday 4 February 2016

 Home work: week 1, Room 3, 2016

In the senior school we have more rights and responsibilities. One very important example of this is the student council. Student council representatives get to decide, and have a voice on, many parts of our school life. They get to meet with the deputy principal and other school leaders to represent all the students in our school. Our class will vote for who will be on the council this year.

For your homework this week you have two choices:
1.       If you would like to be on the student council you must create a poster for your ‘campaign’ about why students should vote for you. You will need to be able to explain your poster to the class. The poster must include:  
·         Your picture, (Talia can help with this if it is a problem).
·         Your name
·         Reasons why you would make a great student councillor

2.       If you do not want to be on the student council your homework is to write at least 8 sentences about the ways you will be a leader this year. You will be asked to share this writing.

Room 3 you are awesome and I know you can all do this. If you are having any trouble please come and speak to me – I am here to help J

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